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Posts posted by sing4u1

  1. Take it from someone who's been there. Live or cyber, cheating is cheating. Trust is a huge thing to lose. I got early signals and kept it together anyway. Think of your future. How much time in your life are you willing to waste on him?

    I was in love. 17 years and many chances later, I finally woke up. Don't let love make you totally blind, deaf and dumb. Get the courage to face it. Do something now before you move in together.

  2. Thank you all who replied. I appreciate the input.

    To some_guy, I made the decision to split after I found out about the GF.

    I had left twice before and came back both times(stupid me) for him. He didn't want it to end and vowed to straighten out. I can now see that ain't going to happen. Love is blind, but now I see.

    I hate to hide anything from my daughter but I think it would be worse to split just before the holidays. My sister died just before Christmas and it was just never the same again. I can't be so selfish as to ruin the holidays for her. She'll be mourning the loss of the family unit the only way she's known it. We don't argue when she's around so it's too tense most of the time. My anxiety is better and I believe I can handle the wait. My husband is trying to be more discreet so at leaste that's something. He doesn't want her hurt either.

    Miracle29, my favorite quote that you used is so true. By the time this is over with I'll be made of iron. Thanks again for all the replys! ](*,)

  3. I'm in a tough situation. Originally we had agreed to wait until the after the holidays to break the news to our 10 yr. old daughter about us splitting up. Just found out my husband has a girlfriend. He says he'll cool it with her but I know better. Just more lies as usual. We're still living together in the meantime until we can sell the house which is far from ready. My anxiety is so bad sometimes, but I can't see ruining my daughters last holiday as a family unit. Any advice for someone with no money and no where to go and feeling VERY guilty about hurting her daughter?

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