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Posts posted by aden357

  1. He has been in a pretty messed up previous relationship just prior to ours, involving his ex using him and treating him pretty poorly. That may have something to do with it, and thank you for suggesting it. And no, the answer is not that I go and buy myself sex toys, lol. XD It's not just sex that I need, it's the knowledge that he can treat sex as an expression of love for me and with me, and that he actually enjoys being intimate. I guess he and I have different ideas about demonstrating love...I wish we didn't, that's all.

  2. Help, wtf is wrong?


    I really need your opinion/help! I've been dating this guy who I'm deeply in love with for a year and some months now. We are very loving and affectionate, our friends think we're sappy and crazy for each other, we're just very much in love. But there's been a bit of a problem in our relationship-and that is that I, the girl, am more interested in sex than he is. Don't get me wrong, I have thought about it for a long time and I am sure he is not gay or anything like that...he just doesn't have as much of a sex drive as most men are supposed to, and doesn't have as much of a sex drive as I do. Trust me, as the woman in the relationship, it HURTS to be "rejected" for sex, because dammit, that's just not the way it ever happens in the movies. Lol. He is definitely not cheating on me, trust me on this one. He's not that kind of guy, he's very loyal and affectionate and I know he doesn't have the time to cheat besides, lol. No, he's not way more attractive than me and I'm not sex-crazed. I get a pretty decent amount of attention from other men, and I'm not desperate for attention or throwing myself at anyone. I think I have an actually pretty moderate to average sex-drive, which means that he is definitely, definitely on the low side of average! He explains this by saying how he's concerned that the relationship will become about lust, that he won't really love me if we have sex too much, that he prefers to snuggle, etc. etc. It has become more and more hurtful over time, especially because, I have to admit, he is a really, really good lover. Really really good, when he wants to be. Is this healthy or normal? Should I try to do anything to reconcile this, or is it unsolvable? Don't hold back...HELP, please...

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