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Posts posted by mandi10_56

  1. Well you certainly should see a physician. Especially if this is a new occurrence and also if you are having one or more of the following: weight gain, water retition, face is becoming rounder, you have taken corticol steriods recently, menstrual changes, and depression. Hair growth can be an imbalance in the adrenal glands and that imbalance may also put you at risk for early osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and several other disorders, so a check up is in order. The test is simple a twenty four hour saliva test is done, no needles no pain and easy to find out. I have adrenals that produce to much cortisol, weight loss is almost impossible and increased hair growth is embarrassing, but with a docs help things can be dealt with so you do not develope more serious problems. Hopefully it is nothing serious, but any time you have changes that seem to have no explanation it never hurts to check with a good doctor.

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