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L1NK1N P4RK 88

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Posts posted by L1NK1N P4RK 88

  1. There's a girl at school named Ashley. She's a sophomore, and I'm a freshman which kinda sucks... But neither of us hang out with any of the same people, and the only person I know that has any classes with her is into her too. I wanna get to know her, without seeming weird or straight forward, neither of us have talked, although we do make eye-contact alot so I know she knows I exist. One advantage is her friend.... She lives upstairs from me and she has for 3 years. Sadly, we've never talked. But even if I do someone manage to get this girl to know I'm interested in her, shes shy, so shes not gonna be the one to do the talking. And I really don't know how to make my approach. Everyone gives me half-assed info like "Just say hi"... And then what... Bye? I need to know how to ask for her number (and I don't mean "pimpin" her). I need to know if I even SHOULD ask for her number. What do I say? Ahhh!!!! If you have any advice, AIM me on SpikeSpiegel1688. Thanks everyone



  2. I have the same problem, but all the advice everyone ever gives me sounds to sraight forward. I don't even know if this girl knows I exist. If I give her hints that I wanna talk to her... But wait, how do I do that? And what do I say after I get up the courage to talk to her? Everyone says "Just say hi"... And then what... Bye? I need some advice, and if youre willing to help me, AIM me on SPIKESPIEGEL1688.

    Thanks everyone


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