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Posts posted by aussie

  1. Thank you both for posting back.


    There is no way I can be 100% sure whether he is gay or not. I just have that feeling. Gay-dar I suppose.

    I have always been very sure about my sexual orientation and I was aware I was gay when I was about 14. At that time I felt mostly lonely, and I would love to have had a friend to talk to. That's way I think this guy would be happy to know some other gay guy, like me. I would. I don't understand how a 23 year old man like him doesn't even know what he likes, or is so confused about it. That is the reason I would like to tell him he could be gay and also I love him, maybe that way he realizes his own feelings. However, I can't be so intrusive in his own life, he may not be ready, it copuld be traumatic for him. But his life must be already traumatic this way. So I could help. Right ???

    As you said...take that first step ahead and everything else will follow.

    If I don't take the firtt step, he won't do it for sure.

    I'm so confused, sometimes I can't even sleep at night just to try to figure out how make him understand how I am and how he is.


    Thanks for any other comments, it's nice to hear opinions.

  2. Hi. I'm student and my classmate became my best friend. He was always checking me out in class, looking at my body in a very sensual way. Also, he was very sweet in the way he used to talk to me. He is gorgeous, so I just fell in love with him. I told him I was gay, he said it was OK, but after that he changed, he became very self-consious, he said later that it was disgustibg and gross to be gay. For the way he acts, however, I don't think he likes girls. He is always checking out at guys. We don't talk very often now, but every time we do, he is trying to put me away at the same time he looks at me like if he wanted to kiss me. That's why I still thinking I have shot and I can't get over him. What shoul I do? I can't tell him I love him, because he is "supposed" to be straight. But he acts gay to me. What do I do?

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