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Posts posted by GoalieChiky

  1. I have been together with my husband since I was 19 - we were married when I was 24. I am now 27.


    We have been through a lot together. We started dating the summer I came back from university. Went back to university then left after a month so I saw him a lot when I stayed at home. Went to college, he stayed at home. He then moved to Toronto. I graduated and moved in with him. That was in 2001. We have since married and gotten good jobs and enjoyed the city.


    I love my husband very much and he is very good to me.


    But I'm finding that I'm starting to change. Since being in the city, I have discovered so many cool things and they have had an affect on me. I used worry more what people thought of me and now I'm having more confidence in myself. I feel like I have discovered myself - sounds cheesy but don't know how else to put it.


    I have spent my teenaged years not wanting to be single - as if being in a relationship defined me more. I always had everything planned and lay out exactly what I wanted. The typical house, kids, etc. Now I'm finding that's slowly changing. I have always been more mature for my age but now it's taking it toll. I'm feeling like I only have one life to live and I'm getting scared of regrets.


    I want to talk to my husband about these feelings but other than explaining what I'm feeling, I feel like there is no solution. I've thought about maybe separating and trying to experience what I can to see if that helps but would it?


    It's hard to find an unbiased ear within your own circle of friends so I'm glad I found this board. I'm feeling lost - tug of war between an ultimate discovery of oneself and your marriage. You would think that you should be able to grow together but I think that you still have to figure yourself out first and I was still growing when I was with my other half. I don't think people who get married late in their 20's experience this feeling as much as those who get together with their high school sweethearts...who knows.....I'm lost.


    Any thoughts / direction would be amazing!

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