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Posts posted by ls

  1. Raykay... yes... that's what I meant... why is it that some married men do these things. I suppose I'm expecting to get some sort of insight into it from married men who have cheated... but I just realized maybe they don't want to reveal that they've cheated by responding to this post. *lol*


    annie24 - No I don't want him. *lol* Surprised? Yeah I did write a lot but it's just to get it out of my system... part of the process. It's all good though. I am detaching.

  2. *lol* A short novel...


    Anyway... no I do not want him. I do realize that he is bad news and have started detaching. I guess I'm just going through the usual process that everyone goes through. But I do wonder why it is that married men do these things? I guess I'm just trying to understand which is why I'd asked for a guy's pov.

  3. Dear Talia,


    I know exactly how you feel. I'm going through the same thing ( link removed ) myself with an old friend of mine who is unfortunately married. It wasn't something I was looking for and neither was he. It just happened and he fessed up his feelings. I fought it for about a month and a half before finally accepting the situation. We hung out and got along really well but he turned funny out of the blue and suddenly it wasn't the same anymore. He now considers me just a friend and despite all that, still wants to have the same level of communication or whatever we used to have before. It was very hard to accept at first but I know that I have to let him go. Afterall, he is married and what he is doing isn't doing me any good and it isn't doing him any good either until he can resolve whatever issues it is he is having with himself. So yeah, it is tough... but you'll have to let him go even when he tries to contact you and such. The only thing that makes me wonder is why do married men do this? Argh...

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