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Confused Boy

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Posts posted by Confused Boy

  1. Hey

    Thanks for your replies. I know what you guyz mean

    I know it will be very premature to say it now.

    But I dont have any other option, she dont live in this town, she will be leaving in 2 weeks and will probably visit after like 4 months.

    she is here to see her best friend who is my friend

    If i dont say it this time face to face, then I will have to say it on telephone which sucks.

    Also , I am not gona ask her to marry me at the end of date.

    This is the first time I will be going out on a date ever in ma life, and she is so shy that i am sure she is not even gona look me in the eye when i will be talking all this.

    I definitely have to tell her whats in me for her.

    I just pray she change her mind at the exact time



    Love u all


  2. Hi, Ok now

    she is 19 and i am 20


    I met this girl like 5 weeks ago. I met her by the reference of my friend.

    we spend good all (All three of us). I started liking her. then she left for like 3 weeks and then came back again. Now i asked her on a date

    she said "YES" . but just before going out of date, my friend asked her if she is actually looking for a serious relationship with me . she said "NO"

    reason she gave was that she has to do lot of things in life and career and she is not looking for a relationship.


    I totally adore her. I gave her uncountable gifts. I bought her uncountable drinks. I am going to take her to sheraton for supper, I am not a really wealthy man but still I thought she would like it and I thought that at the end of the date I will say what I have to say, But now i already know her answer which is "No"


    She is not exceptionally beautiful and I am not an ugly dork.

    Now i dont know what to say or how to start that topic at the end of the date. My friend told me that she said " She havent met much nicer guy in her life" about me!, so i assume she is gona say NO but would like to keep friendship. I dont know what to do .It hurts when you see a girl who rejected you and u still spend time with her just as a friend like 100 others.


    just let me know what should i say when i should talk to her about this at the end of date



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