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Posts posted by wildone1

  1. From your msg, it sounds like you're trying too hard to impress. Girls like guys who are authentic. So always be yourself, and ask your guy friends or girl friends what your flaws might be. We all have them. Maybe you're too stuck-up or have too high standards; I don't know.


    If you're really a catch, you don't have to show off that you're a real catch. Girls will know. They gossip like crazy, so when one girl likes a guy, she tells all her friends, and they like you too.

  2. Hi shy girl,


    I am an extroverted guy and a total hottie, and I like girls who are shy (as long as she's smart, funny, beautiful, etc). The reason is that I have no problem picking up beautiful extroverts. I do have trouble picking up shy girls because they do not flirt back, so I can't tell whether they find me attractive. Extrovert girls will say "you're so hot!", "you're so sexy!", or better yet, they are too busy drooling to say anything, but the introvert girl won't give me any signal or give me negative signals.


    So don't despair, some outgoing hottie will look past your shyness and try for a relationship. Just don't be too skeptical, give the guy a chance, and trust your instincts (ditch the guy if it doesn't feel right).

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