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Posts posted by Canasta

  1. I like this girl, but we only met once. We've chatted on the phone several times over business. I make her laugh which I think is cool. We work for the same company but in different parts of the city. Her department oversees mine. Friday, I sent her an e-mail letting her know I received the information to go to my assignment outside of the city. Her letter was very professional whereas I made mine professional with a bit of humor. She replied with a small letter of humor, but added a smiley face in wishing me good luck on my assignment (which was to install lights) Yesterday morning my car broke down on my way to the assignment and on top of that I was lost. I called her up at the job to give her the heads up, and she said she felt bad and that she wish she could come over and pick me up. I am wondering if she is flirting, or is she simply a nice girl. Is it because I like her that I am thinking this is flirting? I want to ask her out but in a way she is my supervisor even though like I said we work in different parts of the city. I am most likely leaving this job soon because I found a better one. But what do you think, flirting or nice girl?

  2. You think you have it bad? You think non asian girls are not attracted to asian guys? Try being like me, a 28 year old african american male. go to a personals site like link removed and watch how everyone wants caucasian, hispanic, asian, native american, east asian, everything but african american. its funny I even see them list every single race but black. i have seen this for years. I see them single out their preferences and african american is hardly one of them. I am frustrated because my own preference is caucasian and asian and latina females. but when i go to personal sites, they list every race as their preference BUT black. you got nothing to worry about, i do.

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