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Posts posted by goodboy

  1. when i see a really pretty girl i want to talk to, whether mite be walking on the street, or at my skool......what do i say and how do i approach them in order to get their number so i can potentioally build a new relationship


    any advice is appreciated...thanks

  2. I am a 15 year old boy, and i have made out with a girl once wen i was thirteen, in truth or dare, so it didnt really count, because i wasnt really in tha moment etc.......


    but for times wen im in the moment, i always get scared and back out. i know all of my frends have made out b4, so im afraid that the girl i am making out with will think i am a horrible kisser and tell her frends. Yet, the problem isnt that i dont kno wen to make my move(bcuz i have been in the situation many times), but the question is HOW do i lean in for the kiss...or what if she doesnt understand what i m doing..the point is, i just dont know how to initiate the kiss.....


    your advice is truly needed, and step by step is always appreciated....thanx

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