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Posts posted by Beth0975

  1. Beth by even asking your fiance if you could sleep with another person you would be asking extremely disloyal and insensitive hence guapa's advice was extremely destructive.

    I would dump you in a heat beat if I was engaged to you and you asked me if you could sleep with somebody else to see what it is like.


    I have NEVER asked him, and I never would...


    I would dump him too in a heartbeat if he ever asked me if he could sleep with someone else.. male or female.

  2. I am totally attracted to the male body, AND the penis!

    BUT only men that I am with! My fiance's body is so hot!


    I do not get turned on and masterbate to naked men in playgirl or porn online.


    Im glad you were just kidding about me becoming all lesbian.. I was started to get freaked out and VERY confused because I have never thought I needed to do that, or even wanted to.

  3. If I lost the fiance, and became a lesbian I would spend the rest of my life just playing with breasts. I really love sex with my fiance as well.. I dont think it would ever be the same with a woman. (dildos or not)


    I want to have babies with my husband.. and give birth to a child who is a a part of me, and the love of my life.....not get artifically inseminated by some strange man.

  4. Beth homosexuality is genetic. With you it may by psychological or genetic since society persuades women to think lesbianism is sexy.

    Either you or bisexual or if you honestly prefer a womans body, maybe you should leave him and go full lesbian.


    What I dont understand is the idea of going full lesbian does not appeal to me. My fiance's mother is now a lesbian. After 20 years of her being with men, she needed a shoulder to cry on, so she visited her friend who happened to be a lesbian. Low and Behold, she comes home a lesbian. They have been together for 4 years now. I have nothing against lesbians, but they disgust me.


    I do not think I could ever really finger a woman, or give oral sex.. What I really like is the idea of playing with breasts or sucking on them, OR MAYBE oral sex, if the woman was very clean and shaven.


    I get so turned on by my fiance. He is so sexy and I love making love to him....



  5. There is NO WAY my fiance would want, or let me have a one night stand with a woman. He says CHEATING IS CHEATING!


    Ive never ASKED him if I could because honestly I dont think I would ever have the guts to actually do that, but we have talked about stuff before.. and I know he wouldnt allow it.


    He did say that if I was ever going to leave him for a woman then he would want it to be my best friend. NOT because he thinks thats hot, or she's hot, but because she is really good to me. She is a great friend.


    I dont really know why he would even say that, maybe he remembers the conversation about this from when we started dating. Well, actually... a few times we have wondered what each others boobs look like so we have partically shown each other.. just because we both thing our boobs are ugly! Also, when we are at clothing stores sometimes we go into each others change room to see an outfit.. My fiance kinda feels threatened by this, but its totally innocent. I am in NO WAY attracted to my best friend. She is a beautiful girl, but she is my best friend!!!


    If a hot naked woman is in a movie and I say to him "Oh I bet you think she is hot" he sometimes says "No, but I bet you like it!"


    So, one person who posted said there is nothing wrong with me, I didnt exactly get what the other posters think....


    Why do I feel like this? I dont want to be turned on by women!

  6. Ok so in another post a woman posted that she loves men, etc etc, but she masterbates to chicks (porn) online.


    This is the same for me! Its been going on for like 6 years now. When I first met my now fiance (5 years ago) I openly told him this.. maybe because I knew he would think it was hot. Shortly after I got weird about it and shut up.. .I dont tell anyone this now, and I would never tell my fiance this anymore.


    I am very jealous when it comes to a hot chick, or a chick wearing very sexy clothes when my fiance and I are out. I am even really bad about naked chick in movies. If I ask him if he thinks a girl is hot and he says no but I do think she is hot I dont believe him.


    I think he is always looking at other women when we are out, but I think its because its me who is! I guess I figure if I am, then he must be. Sometimes he asks if I check out guys when I am out with my friends or whatever and honestly I can say that I am not, because I am always looking at women. Am I looking at them because I want to, or am I just so jealous that I want to see what women my fiance could be looking at?


    I love to look at porn online of women. I even masterbate to it. When I am out in public sometimes I feel turned on by some women that I see. I even fantasize of getting it on with another woman. Without the fiance of course. I think boobs are so hot. Years ago even my own vagina grossed me out, but I even find myself wanting to give oral sex to a woman. I know I would never have the guts to do this, and of course I would NEVER cheat on my fiance.


    I have NEVER felt turned on by any of my friends, or any women that I actually know. It makes me feel all gross and weird if I even ask myself if I think that person I know is hot.


    I often tell myself that the reason I get turned on by some women is because I want to look that sexy for my man.. I wish I had a body like that. I am overweight, and I only get turned on by thin (with a bit of meat on their bones), big boobed women.


    I love my fiance and I am so turned on by him.. the only thing that could possibly ruin our sex life is sometimes I feel too fat and am unwilling to try anything new, or even try hard at all. I cant wait to marry him, and I am so excited to have babies with him. I have no doubt in my mind that I love men (well my fiance). I really wouldnt want to spend my life with a woman.. I think I just want to have a "one night stand" type thing... I also do notice that when I do check out guys, I ALWAYS find myself thinking that I am so lucky to have such a hot fiance cause other guys are ugly!



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