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Posts posted by edoggy79

  1. Hey Echo,

    My ex just broke up with me 5 weeks ago this friday. She basically told me it was over and to move on. We have been together for the past 6.5 years. We had the fairy tale start. I was in the military stationed in South Carolina. We were good friends and went to high school together. One day I called her while I was a little drunk and told her I was in love with her, and had been for the past couple of years. She came to see me a couple of days later to visit for a while. We instantly fell in love. The first 7 months of the relationship were long distance (michigan vs. south carolina). I would drive 14 hours just to see her for about a day and a half. And then 14 hours right back. I showed alot of affection in the beginning and we grew deeply in love. Well, over the past couple of years, situations have taken their toll on the relationship. She said she would have married me six months ago, but now cant be with me anymore.

    I did the clingy thing at first. I begged and pleaded. We were supposed to be together, and everyone knew it and expected it. For the past week and a half I've done NC. I really do hope she comes back, but cant live for that hope. I feel youre pain. Everyone around me is in some way trying to help me. I do still think about her everyday. I've just started expressing it less. I guess we are kinda in the same boat. Keep the hope but concentrate on yourself. Things WILL get better no matter the outcome.

  2. Well, my girlfriend of almost 7 years broke up with me about a month ago. She said that all the fights over the last couple of years has taken its toll. She just turned 26 and seems to feel it is completely over. Over the past month I have tried to make her see how much I love her and care for her. She doesn't really seem like she wants to get back together. She is a very strong person and is very goal oriented. She has never even said anything that would lead me to believe we might get back together. She explained to me that she wants to get married and have kids one day. I just don't know if it will be with me. Does anyone have any advice on how to save this relationship. I cant manage thinking that I will never grow old with her, or that she might meet someone else. I've done a lot of things to piss her off. Is it possible she may come back after a while to cool off? Thank you everyone!

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