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Posts posted by bugaloo

  1. hey thanks for all the tips.. i talked about it with him a bit and realize that he only wants to be able to hang out with other people.. no funny stuff.. just friendly relationships with girls or otherwise... although all along i figured we had an understanding that that was okay (and thereby would sometimes spend time with guys from school and work.. you know, platonic/no strings attached time).


    he told me he felt jealous, which made me feel bad since i had no idea. but he wants to work on that by meeting new people and knowing that i do the same. and we'll keep each other up to date about things. and basically continue the same way we were going except he can meet new people without feeling guilty.


    i'm his first and only love, he says. and i guess his skewed perception of what is and isn't acceptable in a relationship is a reflection of that..

  2. hi, i'm a new poster here and i would really appreciate some thoughtful insight


    my boyfriend and i have been going out for 3 years. i work out of state for most of the summer and we attend school a couple of hours away from each other. our time together is short but sweet. he's recently suggested that we take a breakfrom each other as he has "wild oats to sow" and feels a physical lonliness when i'm not around. he also says he still loves me and would like to marry me when our lives are sorted out a bit more.


    i'm very confused. if he loves me why does he want to see other people? i'm worried he's just breaking up with me without breaking up with me. maybe he really does just feel like we should be able to have some fun while we're apart but i'm not sure i like the idea of him fooling around with other girls. any thoughts?

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