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Posts posted by zotayks

  1. On 4/2/2024 at 7:51 AM, ShySoul said:

    I was 22 before I met a woman where there was mutual interest. In high school I wasn't even attracted to any female I knew and to my knowledge none showed any signs of being into me. My best friend in high school didn't find a relationship until after college. And I've spoken with plenty of people, male and female, who didn't have dating or relationship experience into their 20s or later. Nothing was wrong with me or any of these people and nothing is wrong with you.

    Everything happens when it is supposed to. You have plenty of time and something will come along when you least expect it. Until then, focus on your studies and enjoyable your life. While we want to feel that rush of love, there are plenty of other things in life to keep us happy and give us meaning. 

    I used to have the same concerns about being inexperienced, that it would be a turn off for women. Then I encountered multiple females who told me that it didn't matter to them. What they cared about was the connection the two of them had and that he treated them nice and with respect. Some even said they liked the idea of being the more experienced one, of being able to show and teach him things. And one even felt sad that she would have more experience, as she wished they could experience everything new together. So don't worry about it. Everyone comes into things with various experience levels. What counts is that when you do meet the right one, you embrace it and that the two of you enjoy what you have.

    Thanks, that made me feel much better, i felt like that because i did not care about it THİS much in the first year of hg so i thought that i was missing something and i thought that if a potential girfriend found out that i am virgin and she was my first girfriend, she would think something like `İf no one wanted him, why would i want him?`

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  2. İ am 17 years old male and about to graduate highschool but i did not get a girlfriend, at the first, i did not care about it too much bc of my studies and focuses etc... And bc of that i did not interested romantically any girl in my hg eventhough i had a friend group and also i heard that being is inexperienced at dating is a total turnoff bc of pre-selection, etc.. if i know right... İ feel like i will die alone or smthg, is there something wrong with me?

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