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Posts posted by Starshine100

  1. 11 hours ago, ShySoul said:

    How long were you dating? Was there a specific reason he couldn't trust you? Did something happen or was this just a mutual "not ready for something more serious" breakup? Details tend to be useful, otherwise any advice will be people jumping to their own conclusions on what actually happened.

    I assume you meant he didn't love you. It takes time to be able to say that to a person, and that time is different for every person. Opening your heart, trusting someone enough to let them in can be a scary thing and not something you want to rush into. Maybe he was wanting to take his time to make sure he was fully ready? Maybe he wanted to be able to give you the full, committed relationship he thought you deserved, so didn't want to rush too fast. Like they say, fools rush in. 

    If you still like him and have kept talking to him, there is probably a good reason. Unless you can point to something he has done that would be questionable or some reason this relationship would be unhealthy for you, what is the harm in giving things another go? In the end, it's your heart and your feelings. I've learned that trusting my heart is rarely a mistake.


    Ouch 💔Fools rush in? 😭

    I get you 100% I expected alot and I should have given him time. 

    Thank you! 


  2. 11 hours ago, rainbowsandroses said:

    When you return with more context re: his reason for not trusting you, I'll be in a better position to respond.  

    For example did you cheat on him?  Not accusing, just asking. 

    What happened? 

    I assume you meant to write "not loves me," how long were you dating?

    Love takes time (and yes trust) to develop, you can't date someone for a week and expect them to love you. 

    What were your expectations?

    There is so much missing context here. It's literally impossible to know what you should do.

    HE may have good reason to not trust you in which case HE dodged the bullet, not you. 

    We need more info. 


    Yes I saw the typing error😭

    I didn't do anything to him but he mentioned to me about his ex who dumped him for being poor and not buying him gifts so she cheated on him. 


    I see that I expected alot in that relationship because it was my first one. I got really disappointed when he told me that he doesn't want to trust me but after we broke up I understood his point of view so I feel like he isn't ready to trust anyone in a relationship. I just simply wish to get back together and at the same time I don't want to be with someone who doesn't trust me because of his past relationship. So I'm undecided at this point. 


  3. I dated a guy not so long ago. He told me that he is not ready to trust me and he is dating me because he likes me not lives me. So I broke up with him. We still chat but I still like him. Sometimes I wish to get back together. What should I do?

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