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Posts posted by AALJ9281

  1. Hi Everyone,

    Just looking for some advice if possible please . 

    I moved in with my partner over a year ago , we decided to do it this way as my employment offered grater flexibility regarding relocation rather than hers. She has x 2 children whom are amazing , and we get along fantastically. 

    My partner visits her mother often as she lives alone , her mother is an amazing woman and has welcomed me with both hands and again , we get on brilliantly , however , over the last month or so, I feel myself pushing away from visiting her, Not quite sure if this makes sense , but for me , it saddens me , as I do not get to see my own parents as much as I visit her mother , it’s not jealousy, but more in my mind, Guilt ? 

    I miss my parents as any person would , moving three and a half hours drive away , also both in their seventies, but luckily , I have family around the area keeping an eye on them . 

    my question is ? Has anyone ever experienced such feelings or been in a similar situation ? Am I being selfish or stupid ? My partner told me her mother is asking if everything ok as I do not visit her as much , I do know that the first point would be to discuss with my partner regarding my feelings, but firstly I wanted to make sure that I’m not being some pathetic fool spitting his dummy out . Any advice greatly appreciated. Thank you 

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