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Posts posted by Triton1989

  1. Just some more details and to reply to questions..

    I'm not married with the mother; nor I was in relationship with her to start with.

    Once found out she was pregnant; I recognized the child and tried to have a relationship with her mother also due to pressure from my own family as they love their granddaughter.

    But I believe we both are unhappy by now. Many times she herself asked me to separate but I convinced her to stay together and keep on trying for our daughter's sake. I have put effort in the relationship and tried to convince myself also but I don't know how long I can keep on doing this. So yeah, meeting another woman at the moment is not the factor that put these thoughts in my mind as they were already there. 

    The mother and me are living together at the moment in my house; we both work and we are stable financially. I took on an extra job to be able to create a fund for the child's future as well.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I find myself in a challenging situation and am hoping to gain some insights from this community. I've been in a relationship for four years with my daughter's mother. Our daughter came into our lives unexpectedly, and I've often felt like I was pushed into this relationship rather than choosing it for myself. While I have genuine affection and care for her, the feelings of love aren't there, at least not in the way I believe they should be. Despite getting along, sharing laughs, and even intimacy, there's a persistent sense of feeling unfulfilled.

    Recently, my life took an unexpected turn. I met someone six months ago, and for the first time, I feel a profound connection on every level—physical, emotional, and mental. It's a compatibility I've never experienced before, and I find myself envisioning a future with her.

    However, the thought of pursuing this new relationship is fraught with concerns. Moving forward could cause pain to my daughter's mother, potentially disrupt our living situation, and might disappoint my own parents. More importantly, I worry about the impact on my daughter, who is now four years old. The possibility of not seeing her as often and how this might affect her emotionally weighs heavily on me.

    I'm at a crossroads and unsure how to proceed. Balancing my own happiness with the well-being and feelings of my family is daunting. Any advice, insights, or similar experiences shared would be greatly appreciated. How do I navigate this complex situation without causing unnecessary pain, especially to my daughter?

    Thank you for taking the time to read and for any guidance you can offer.

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