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Posts posted by lauranicole927

  1. Ok...Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 2 years...And ever since we got together Ive known that he likes to look at porn..And it used to not make me so mad I think mainly was because he would look at it then he would turn to me no matter if I was sleeping or what..But lately like the past month and a half he has been looking at it a lot more like when im sleeping and I have waken up the past couple of times and been really pissed and upset because I dont understand why he wouldnt just come in the bedroom with me? And everytime I get really mad at him for it he blames it all on me like it is my problem and he says i blow it out of proportion and I act immature about it and that is all he will say to me he wont talk or anything about compromise nothing........ He just says its not that big of a deal and I think it is it really hurts me..... Speacially when Im just in the other room... And I know I have not been to sexually active lately and that is because im having so health issue's and it just the fact that he would do that when he knows it hurts me and then blame it on me...Ive tried to be as sexually active wit him as much as possible..I mean go down on him everything i just dont know what more i can do....And its not that he just looks at it(that wouldnt bother me as much) but he masturbates to it and i think that is what hurts me the worse....I mean I know he loves me I just think if he really cared he would stop because he see's it hurts but once again in his eyes its my fault he has no fault at all and im being immature about it...What do I do? Do i give him another chance to stop or is 2 to many? Plz someone help?!I love this boy so much with all my heart I dont want this to ruin our relationship its making me soo stressed that I cant sleep eat or anything........I feel like he would rather do that then spend time wit me?

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