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Posts posted by ats2782

  1. First I'm going to give the backstory on what happened:

    So a few months ago I found myself in a scenario. At that time I was dead broke, I'm a student, and I'm living from paycheck to paycheck and due to circumstances I was late for rent one time which is $1000 where I live, plus a late fee, and if i didn't pay it by a certain time I would be evicted.

    I met this guy who was a friend of my friends family. He had connections with welfare offices, financial aid etc and even helped me trying to get it started up. I went over to his house one time, not at ALL thinking about anything like what ended up happening. My genuine intentions were to sit down and get his advice and help etc. I also learned he was fairly wealthy.

    So we get to talking and out of nowhere he asks me if i had ever thought about having sex for money. I really never had which I said. So he offered me some money for one sex act. I agreed because at this point I was in dire straights. But I was 100000% aware of what I signed up for and knew that what I was doing was morally wrong to most, and illegal. There was total consent on my behalf.

    He kept offering more and more money but as the price rose so did the nature of what he wanted to do. This is important to note. Eventually he told me he would pay the full amount of my rent if I let him have unprotected sex with me. I thought about it and ultimately agreed. I knew there was a huge risk in not using a condom but for some reason part of me liked that. It ended up that he did finish in me, I didn't give him the okay necessarily but I did nothing at all to stop him or push him off when it was happening or anything like that. Not out of fear or anything like that, yes I was definitely shocked but in that moment this other side of me I didnt know existed took over and freely allowed it to happen. I'm not trying to write a porn story, this plays into the upset of being misunderstood.

    So me and him make a deal that he will pay my bills if I have sex with him. The deal is I have sex with him for each bill. So once for rent, once for electric etc. Yes in theory I could just have sex with him once for all the bills. First, that is not what he wants to do and seeing as he's paying my bills I need to consider what he wants. Second, in all honesty, even though I'm not emotionally or romantically pursuing this man, I really started enjoying the concept itself, that I was selling myself at least 5 or 6 times a month for money. Internally I agreed to his deal because by doing it bill by bill it makes me more promiscuous, and I loved that I was being promiscuous for money. I am still actively in this situation with the same man.

    Flash forward to about a month ago - he introduces me to a friend he has. The friend asks me outright if I'm prostituting myself, I tell him yes. He asks me how I felt about doing that with a second man, being himself. Again I agreed knowing what I was agreeing to. And then ANOTHER one of the men in thay circle eventually starts paying me for sex too. So as it stands I have 3 separate men paying me for sex. I don't need to do thay financially, having sex with the original guy itself is enough to support myself. I'm doing it because I enjoy it and enjoy knowing that I'm an actual prostitute, that I'm doing something most people judge and think is nasty.

    So I told my closest friend about this and she is furious with me. She thinks I'm being taken advantage of, im being used, etc. Even after explaining to her several times that:

    -I was well aware the first time I did it there was a risk he might finish inside me

    -I agreed to every single sex act he purposed and was aware that each one would be more and more explicit

    -I agreed to work for 2 more men knowing it means I'm going to have to have sex about 5 times a week with different men. Essentially I'm going to let them use me almost every day.

    -And lastly those reasons are why I like doing it. I genuinely love doing it and find so much pleasure in KNOWING I'm a prostitute.

    Now my best friend will not speak to me. Am I wrong? She refuses to see that this is a deliberate choice I've mad and won't listen.




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