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Posts posted by elne

  1. our relationship came to a problematic times we took 2 breaks 1 was for a month second one was for a week and then he broke up w me , thing is he reached out after a couple of weeks starting the message with "you dont have to reply but I hope youre well and being careful" i replied after 2 days with a dry message . im sure the relationship is going to come back to its track . thing is our mutual friend called to ask whats up and i got carried away and said things about how my life is good after the breakup and that i have a lot of things to do and that im optimistic .im suspicious that my ex heard the whole convo and now thinks to himself oh shes good so shes better off without me . on the other hand i know thats a great thing because he needs to feel that hes losing me to actually feel the loss but im an overthinker and now i regret everything i said .and cant stop thinking about it but im trying to get in my head and tell myself that this is a good thing he knows im moving forward and not stuck . i just didnt want him to hear too many details and i didnt think it through ; also part of our breakup was that i clearly told him that i see a future with him and hes not ready . and i told our mutual friend that my best friends bf called me to help him arrange a proposal and i told him that im so happy for her and that i cried. mayb its irelevant idk im just overthinking everything HELP

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