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Posts posted by Clarissamango

  1. Thank you! Yes it turned me off immediately and as soon as I left I knew I wouldn’t be seeing him again. Posting this on Reddit is what changed my mind, especially when people said I was in the wrong. You know when so many people are against you , you start doubting yourself? I should listen to my gut more 

  2. Did he just want s*x with me? Having trouble dating

    My mum passed and dad isn’t around so would appreciate advice from an older person! 
    We( me 26f)  met on tinder. His(28m) profile was blank, mine was full and included that I wanted a relationship. We moved over to another social media site and I asked what he was looking for, he said a relationship.

    First date went well, we planned the 2nd towards the end. He asked how my town was like, I said there wasn’t much to do but I like mini golf, he asked if I was willing to come to his hometown as there’s mini golf There. I said yes, he said I can drive to his and park my car, get the bus together into town. We didn’t arrange a time but I assumed it was evening.

    We texted everyday, I really liked him, he had all the qualities I liked so far, he said how he was looking forward to seeing me ( I was too).

    Plans changed as I forgot I made evening plans with friends and he was only free for 3 hours in morning so suggested a walk and coffee. He was kind of in a rush on the date. I parked my car at his and he drove us to a park, it got dark and he suggested we go back to his. We kissed, he got touchy and I said we aren’t going to have sex and he asked if we can have sex next time. I asked him what he was looking for and he went bright red, said the same thing I want and he can wait. I got up a few mins later and he was staring, I asked him why he was staring he said your bum is really firm and nice. Perhaps he said this because the previous day he asked how my gym session was and I said good but I’m feeling firm ;). 

    He asked if he could come to my home town next time and we can walk my dog. I was walking behind him and wearing a long coat. He lifted my coat, squeezed my bum and said such a nice ass. It caught me off guard and I froze.

    A few hours later he sent a lovely text saying how he enjoyed my company, have a good evening etc. 
    he is a lovely guy and I think he just moved to forward for me. 
    I said likewise, enjoy the football match. Perhaps I shouldn’t have said this but I needed them to think. Four days later I told him that- I’ve been thinking and although I enjoyed getting to know you and spending time together, I’m not sure we’re a great match. Im sure you’ll find what you’re looking for. ll the best ! ☺️. He hasn’t replied and is probably hurt. Now looking back, this message seems so vague and I would be hurt if I thought a date went well and they sent me a vague text.

    I wanted to say this, but people on Reddit adviced me not to -I’ve been thinking and even though I enjoyed our time together on Saturday, I don’t think we are looking for the same thing. I wish this wasn’t the case because I enjoyed getting to know you!
    You’re great so I’m sure you will find what you are looking for ☺️.

    I asked advice on another forum and everyone said I was in the wrong that men can want sex and a relationship. I feel so awful and want to explain why I ended things with him. I dated a guy in January who slapped my bum in public on the 3rd date after sex. I called him to explain why things weren’t going to work and he said he appreciated my honesty. This has got me doubting myself and confidence in dating.

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