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Posts posted by Lionhearts

  1. My partner has recently started a new hobby, whilst I’m happy that he’s found something that he enjoys I can’t help but be sad at the way he’s gone about doing it. It’s negatively affected our relationship - he’s started lying to me regularly, it’s taken over our lives to the point he stays up all night and gets up late for work, and it’s affected his responsibilities as a parent he’s slacked with his children since starting it. I’m also pregnant with our third child and he’s been no support throughout the pregnancy so far. We’ve been arguing a lot recently, and he can’t why I get so upset about it - he told me that if it came down to it he would choose this new hobby over relationship and he’d be happy for us to not be together anymore if it meant he could continue. I just don’t know what I should do any more, whether I should learn to accept that this is something he’s not going to change and try to get on for our children’s sakes or do I leave knowing that he doesn’t care. Am I wrong for getting upset in the first place? 

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