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Posts posted by YouAreNotAlone


    36 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

    It seems like she is doing ALL the initiating and you're sort of passively riding along in the friendzone. That's ok, you seem to enjoy her company and friendship circle. 

    Hmm, well then it's time to be even more active and ride away from friendzone? I don't think I'm in friendzone yet as she has "friendzone guy friends" and their dynamic is totally different. But I agree that I am on a way to it if I don't change something. Time to figure out what hahaha.

  2. This girl is either one of the friendliest girls I have ever met, playing with me (or using me) or interested but not ready to try at this moment.

    FYI, I've been trying this last week to get my head straight and stop overanalyzing things about her and try to focus on others. Most of the time I managed, but old overthinker strikes from time to time haha

    So, why did I begin this post with that sentence? Well, in this last week after I asked her for that movie, she continued being very warm towards me. Showing genuine interest in stuff I do, asking me if I need help with some stuff, calling me, texting, replying to my texts even in the middle of the night after I replied to her story at 1AM (at 5AM after she came back home from birthday party), so, usual stuff she did but even more intense now. 

    Couple of days ago, after classes, she was going with friends for a coffee and I assumed I was not invited as no one told me, so I just walked away. Minutes later she calls me and tells me: "Where are you going?! Won't you go with us???" So I did. After that, I was supposed to drive a friend home (who is a girl) and she kinda invited herself to go with us. She wanted me to go with her to perfume shop and help her decide which perfume is good for her.

    I don't think I can or should do anything much at this moment. She is aware of my intentions with her, I guess, and it's up to her. She's been telling how she enjoys her life atm with going out with her besties and she's giving vibe that she doesn't want a relationship now. Only time will tell...

    BTW, thank you everyone for replies! It really does help me to see different points of view and I'm so happy that this thread went in a very analytic road. 

  3. 35 minutes ago, rainbowsandroses said:

    OP, I will go even further to say forget about her altogether.  You're an orbiter and once an orbiter, always an orbiter.  

    Well, it will be a little bit hard to forget about her as we go to same Uni classes in a group of 5. And not to mention that she insisted that I go with her in that group. I didn't plan to do it but she called and wanted me there. So, as you see I'm stuck with seeing her every day until who knows how long hahaha.

    And yeah, I will have to focus on others, as it's probably the only "cure" for this. It will be hard ofc, I will need time to overcome it. And if she shows more direct interest in the mean time, well, I will think about that if it ever happens. And consult everyone here haha 😜

  4. 20 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

    Did you suggest a different movie? Or a different activity?

    Well, unfortunately, movie offer atm is abysmal, she already watched current blockbusters. And no, I didn't offer different activity as I was little bit down... Maybe I should have done that? We are going to have an end of year party so maybe a sip of alcohol will help her show something more hahaha.

  5. Whoah, didn't expect this amount of replies and analysis, thank you!

    First to answer @rainbowsandroses your last post. It's not me. She was talking about some guy that approached her in a club this weekend.

    And now, I asked her to go with me and see a movie. She wasn't interested as it's kind of movies she doesn't like at all (honestly I think I alone wouldn't watch it, as it's specific genre) so I guess it's kinda rejection. And I am ready to accept that as I believe that any answer than YES is a NO. But, after this, we continued talking about movies, shows we like, she was teasing me about some stuff that we talked recently about a tv show, I teased her about something else, so it continued like she never rejected me. Today, she was with the same energy as before when interacting with me, maybe even more affectionate with warm smiles when listening to me talking to her (there was something different in that smile, don't know what haha).

    You mentioned about some kind of energy or pull you felt with a guy in elevator, well that's how I would explain our energy tbh. Whenever we are in the same room, even today, we nearly always end up close to each other, talking, laughing etc. When we are one-on-one when waiting for classes, it can last for hours and we sit and have a drink in that time, we talk non stop about any subject.

    I know it's probably all friendly behavior from her side and that's why I'm going to lower my focus on her. But I'm ready to explore the possibility that @rainbowsandroses mentioned and just take it slow and natural and see where it goes as this direct approach didn't work, maybe she needs more time or maybe just not interested.

  6. The anxiety I feel is a assume coming from my fear of losing this dynamic we have. But, I know it will hurt like hell if I don't try and she gets a boyfriend.

    I was thinking of asking her to go to movies with me as we are both into movies. I know some will say movies is a bad idea for a date as we can't talk, but we spend every day talking between classes about everything so...

  7. I've been thinking some time should I write anything here about this but the pressure I feel is overwhelming and I need somewhere to type this out...

    I've been crushing on her for quite some time and didn't have any courage to say something. As time passed by, we became much closer. We've known eachother for a year and at the beginning she was acting with me friendly but we were just University acquaintances/colleagues and that's how it went for good 6 months or more.

    But, we started bonding on some random stuff, talking a lot more than usual, texting eachother about random stuff. She's been asking me to help her with anything, stuff she could easily do. She was starting to show all sorts of signs of interest. Prolonged eye contact when talking, laughing to stuff I say, smiling warmly when she sees me or when we talk, standing really close to me, touching me when talking etc. I've shown her with my actions that I like her very much, giving her compliments and flirting/teasing, helping her even when she doesn't ask.

    Just recently she began even sending me funny memes, videos (she never did this but I was doing it for some time). And all these things that happened recently started to pump me up to ask her out. But today happened something that really shook me. I've overheard her talking with her friends about a guy that hit on her this weekend. When her friends asked her "When are we going to meet him?", she said "I have to get to know him first". When she saw that I might hear her, she told her friend "I can't talk about it right now, understand?" and subtly showing with eyes in my direction. And I believe it was obvious that she didn't want to talk about it in front of me which is interesting cause she has behaved with me like we are close friends and why wouldn't she talk with me about that then if she doesn't feel anything romantically about me.

    After that, she continued behaving with me as before, being interested in talking with me, initiating conversations, looking for my attention, smiling, laughing etc.

    So, I know I have to ask her out, even if I get rejected. I feel like I have a chance or had after today and I need at least a closure...

    What do you think? Is there still a chance she might accept or I'm so deep in a friendzone. Please, your honest opinions are much appreciated at this moment. If you have any question to add to context, I'll be happy to answer. Thanks in advance!

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