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Posts posted by 50cent

  1. Would be nice to know how old u r and how old she is cause the age can effect greatly what first move you should make, whatever age u r holding hands is always ok cause girls react alot to touch and as ur sig says "You only live once. So take the chance" so just try holding her hand and good luck... if that goes well try the kiss if its the first kiss it will be the best, the rest dont compare. Good Luck

  2. Like most of these posts, i like a girl and have done so for the past 5months when i first saw her i didnt like her as much as i do now and she tried to talk to me once and i didnt really have much to say which i really regret now. As the weeks went on i noticed she would look at me and there were some akward moments, also at a few parties she would give a big smile or stand next to me at the bar and would look i was also told by a friend that she stared at me at 1 of the parties. Not to get myself angry i started ingnoring her thinking i would never get anywhere and she got a BF, after 2months she split up with him at a club and walked right over to me and stood there and looked at me looking very upset. my friend took it upon himself to find out at yet another party b4 i got thier and he told me she did think i was a nice lad but b4 she could decide she had to get to know me and i would have to talk to her. i waited for the right time when she was alone and it never came, she ended up getting with some lad for a snog and then went home. i felt really sick and now i dont know what to do.

    Does she like me? and what do i do

    Please be nice, Graham

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