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Posts posted by katya

  1. 3 minutes ago, Capricorn3 said:

    Oh, ok. Thank you.  It's just when I read  ".... and standing there and slowly biting my lower lips while looking at him with large dreamy eyes",  I thought someone much much younger (sorry), lol.

    It has only happened a couple times, and I don't fully realise it, haha.
    The thing is, he is serious eye candy, so it is hard to avoid looking at him and getting lost in thought like that - I guess the subtle lip biting behaviour is caused by the nervousness and elevated heart rate that I feel in those situations (it isn't something that I do on purpose) - but I try to avoid doing it.
    It shouldn't have been something that has bothered him, though.

  2. 1 minute ago, lostandhurt said:

    Maybe he likes the strong confident type of girl.  Be brave and have a plan and then don't overthink it, just go for it before you get nervous.

    He is just a boy that won the DNA lottery is all.  Heck he may be a boring knuckle head once you get to know him.

      Best of luck and let us know what happens


    Yeah, I mean he seems very charming and likeable, out of what I have seen of him, and I do feel that I would like him a lot if I learned to know him.
    He has very beautiful eyes that express both confidence and warmth, and he has a kind and humble smile.

    There have been a few awkward moments when I have been standing and checking him out without even fully realising it myself, and standing there and slowly biting my lower lips while looking at him with large dreamy eyes, and I always feel a bit embarrassed when he catches me doing it, since I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable or anything, and I always look down on the floor when he notices me.
    I hope that he hasn't got a bad impression of me from that, although I have shown quite subtle signals there, so there hasn't been anything over-the-top, so to speak.

  3. Yes, I will give it a try next week. ^-^

    I have noticed that the other girls seem to more or less put him on a pedestal, like they are acting as if it is an amazing privilege to talk to him;
    they aren't actually saying that, of course, but they act a lot like that, like constantly treat him as the center of attention, fidget and act nervous when they are around him, seem insecure of themselves and so on.
    I guess he might be a bit bored by those approaches.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Capricorn3 said:

    Seeing that you have some classes together, make contact that way. Ask about the lessons or projects etc.  That way he'll notice you.

    Thanks, I will try.
    I just hope he won't think I am merely asking him about it to get the answers for it, and that he understands that I am trying to hit on him.
    All girls who talk to him are flirty towards him, like always, so that is normal to him.

  5. There is one guy at my school who I have had been looking at a lot since he started at my school a couple months ago, who I sometimes have classes with, and I have always wanted to approach him.
    However, he is very very good-looking - I would say unusually good-looking, even compared to other very good-looking guys - so there have been girls who have shown interest in him since day one, and I have heard a few of them ask him if he wants to meet during weekends and so on.
    I would of course like to try talking to him, and see if I like him as well, but it feels almost impossible to find him alone, since he always is in the company of girls who either hang out with him, or sit around him.
    Is there some way for me to get his attention, so that he thinks I am somewhat special, rather than just another admirer in the bunch?
    I know that guys think I am cute and beautiful and all of that, but he is always hit on by beautiful girls.

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