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Posts posted by LostGirl3373

  1. I 26(F) was dating a guy for about 3 years and things were good inittially but we were having a lot of issues lately. I was not happy in the relationship and that's when I met a new guy and got attracted to him. I started being distant from my bf while I was getting to know this new guy. Shortly after I broke up with my bf and started a new relationship with the other guy. At that time I was pretty sure that it was the right move. I know it was a big mistake as I didn't tell him about the new guy or gave him proper reasons for the breakup.
    In the beginning, I was pretty happy but then after about a month, I realized that the new guy is not the person I want to be with. I started missing my ex and contacted him again after a month. He asked me what I did last 1 month and whether I slept with anyone else. I lied to him as I didn't want to lose him. I told him that I was single last one month and didn't date anyone. And so we got back together and started fixing our issues.

    However, shortly after a few days he found out that I had slept with the other guy and now he is wanting to end things. He is asking me for reasons why he should stay with me, and I am ready to do anything to keep him in my life. I really love my bf and wish to fix everything. He tells me that he can't get over the fact that I left him for someone else and then slept with the other guy and was basically in a rebound relationship. How can I salvage my relationship.


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