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Posts posted by WoodenSandwich42

  1. Several of you mentioned this and you're all right about lying. It's not a good idea to lie about yourself when you're trying to build any kind of relationship. Suppose it's good I've never got far enough for that to come up yet. If it does, I will phrase it in a way that I'm trying to change those things (because I am).

    Personally, I do feel as though more of my focus is on looking for a job and trying to move out. I find job searching even more draining and disheartening because I feel I put in all the effort to get nothing in return. The only times I really go on Tinder and the like is when I'm struggling to get to sleep. Even when I was working (which again, was only in temporary positions), my messages and matches were about the same - few and far between.

    Perhaps the issue is my profile. To be honest, I have no clue what I'm doing in that regard. I just use pictures I think look good and write things I think are interesting. So I'm willing to admit mine might just be bad. I'd ask for help, but to be honest I'd rather die than ask someone for help writing it because just the thought sends a wave of embarrassment over me. I'm assuming there's advice online that's worth reading/watching, so it'll probably be better that way..? If anyone has any themselves or knows somewhere I can watch/read some, let me know. 

    Maybe I should consider giving it a break for a while. The reasons why I'm even still looking is because a) I don't like feeling lonely, b) I miss physical affection and intimacy, and c) both my younger siblings are engaged and getting married in the next few years. I know the immediate response to that is to not compare myself to others. I've heard it from friends, family members, people online, and therapists. I try not to, but it's really, really, really difficult. This is something perhaps best discussed with a therapist, and I am lucky enough to be in therapy.

    Once again, I'd like to thank everyone for continuing to contribute. 

  2. Thanks to everyone who has responded so far. I really appreciate the advice. Saw a couple of things come up that I feel I should elaborate on/respond to.


    I am working on learning to drive and getting a job. I don't plan on being unemployed forever and regardless of my thoughts on driving, it's kinda needed for the world we live in. I've had two, short-term jobs since finishing university and trying to find a permanent job has been quite difficult. Really, that's a whole other discussion.

    I don't open by saying to people I match with that I'm unemployed or live with my parents. I feel like doing that would make my chances even worse. I don't have any job listed on my profile (which doesn't seem too out of the ordinary because not everyone does), and it never comes up in conversation because if I do get a match, I send the first message then never hear a thing. If I were asked about it, I'd probably lie - either by saying I'm still in my last job or by not mentioning I live with my parents.

    To be honest, I don't know if my friends know I'm looking. I think those I speak to the most do. I've posted about being single on my personal social media before (doesn't necessarily mean anyone has seen it).

    Problem is I don't really like talking about relationships with anyone, both because hearing about other people's sex and romantic lives makes me feel bad about myself to be honest, and because I'm scared that I'll end up coming across as an incel. I want to be clear that I'm not, because I accept that I'm not owed a relationship, romance, sex, dates, or anything along those lines. People are allowed to say no to me or anyone else. That worry is probably unfounded, but it lingers at the back of my mind.


    I hope this clears some things up. Once again, thanks to everyone for their input. Feel free to keep sharing advice.

  3. So I posted this pretty much word-for-word on Reddit about two weeks ago, but haven't had a single reply yet. My hope is here someone will see it and say something. I'm not looking for pity or sympathy - I'm looking for a solution.

    I'm a 25-year-old straight man who graduated from university about 3 years ago and now lives with his parents. I've been using dating apps for the last several years, specifically Tinder, Bumble and Hinge. Most conversations end after the first message, if I even match with anyone at all. When I was at university, matches were more likely than they are now. I had a couple of dates with someone at university. That person was a friend first; I didn't meet them via any app or website. They ended up not liking me back (which is heartbreaking, but they're not obligated to reciprocate feelings).

    I'd go out and try meet people in bars and the like, but I can't drive and there is no public transport within reasonable walking distance of where I live. I'd ask out friends, but most women I know are dating someone or live far away. I'd ask our a coworker, but I'm currently unemployed, and even then I don't believe that dating co-workers is a good idea. I'd move, but I can't afford to. As such, the only realistic option seems to stick to dating apps, but I have no luck with them.

    Any advice would be appreciated. 

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