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Posts posted by CountryG

  1. 18 minutes ago, catfeeder said:

    I’m sorry you’re going through this. I would pursue legal advice to learn all my options along with the best steps for each option so that I can make decisions and operate on real information rather than emotions alone. 

    Thanks Catfeeder, that is exactly what I will be doing. In a short while when I am ready.

  2. My take is it is a 'non sexual' friendship, but there has been some subtle touching etc. They both admitted their feelings to me..

    We haven't argued much, more so had many discussions and said things in heat of the moment that have been a bit hurtful. But in the past we always, always worked things out quickly.

    I don't have concrete proof, but I believed he cheated in his past relationships. I think he may have even cheated with his ex before he and I were exclusive many years ago.

    I think he is under the impression I am going to allow this other woman into our lives and we all live as one big happy family, err no..not for me..

  3. So my partner or maybe about to be ex partner and I have had a rough patch these last few weeks, he stayed away a few nights. Turns out he stayed at a womans house but was adament nothing happened. Fast forward to a few weeks ago and he invited her over to ours for dinner and I quite liked her, and she admitted she didn't want to get in between us and seemed very sensible and level headed - I know her through mutual friends and she has been openly communicative with me. Anyway  I have found out the last week, that they have feelings for one another, so I have decided to 'dissapear' for a few days..

    Back ground - partner and I been together over 9 years, have just purchased our dream property and about to start construction on a house. We are also in business together and obviously have many ties..

    I know he has a not so clean history with past relationships, but being nearly 50 one would think he would grow out of that temptation.. The old saying runs true hey..

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