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Posts posted by JosieP

  1. I’ve been in a 5 year relationship and I want to leave but I feel like I’m being guilt tripped into staying; just give me a chance, I won’t be ok without you etc. 

    I don’t actually know where to begin so much as happened. I cheated initially in the early stages of our relationship but we worked through and stayed together and life was ok but I suffered constant verbal attacks because of what I did. Partner has a range of health issues, supported and cared for him throughout, custody battle with ex, fully invested into his children etc. 

    I have always felt last in his priorities, I planned everything days out, the few trips we’ve done etc. I sorted everything out for his kids and treated like I would my own, ran the house cooked cleaned the lot, while working a full time job. His mental health hasn’t been great and I would always walk on egg shells around him worrying about his mood, but just plodded on. I became depressed, never left the house, quiet went to work and that was it, I spent most of my time just crying and sleeping. He claims to have supported me yet I’ve told him most of the time his support made me feel worse, sex disappeared - it wasn’t on my mind at all but needed love and comfort in other ways and he basically started going out all weekends etc. he showed zero interest in me and would leave me crying most weekends to “go out with his mates.” 

    I now know that he’s spent hours messaging women for 2 years on IG, Facebook (that I didn’t know he had), on all the dating sites, met up with women, slept with 3 and basically told his mates that he’s found the one and he was done with me.

    I found out all this and then a few other things happened where I became fearful and upset and something in my head switched and I became extremely cold. I’ve spoken to womens aid because of threats made and how I’ve felt around him. 

    now he wants a chance to show me how much he loves and for me to give him a chance but I gave him 4 years of chances to show me anything. He blames me because I wasn’t having sex with him yet he was out all the time sleeping with or meeting other women.

    I’ve stated I want to leave but he’s stating he deserves this chance, he gave me a chance at the start etc. 

    what shall I do? Please help me! 

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