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Posts posted by hollymai12

  1. Thank you for your reply!.

    I have my family but I don't feel like I can go to them now because I have stuck by him previously.

    The thing with the child maintenance is he is not on the birth certificate and I want him to stay off it because then I have sole responsibility for my daughter, so I can't expect him to pay child maintenance.

    Thank you for the advice, I have thought of this before regarding my children but because he has stopped being violent its not something I have currently thought about, but I will.


  2. Hello, everyone. (long post!)

    I'm writing this because I literally have no one else to speak to or ask for advice.

    Last night I (F-27) found out my partner (M-24) has been answering ads for sex online, they include women, men and Trans, this is not the first time finding out about this, I have known he has contacted local female escorts for over a year now, but men and trans I didn't know, we split up in late Feb this year, I gave him an ultimatum after he begged me he would change and stop, I must add the relationship has also been Physically violent on his part in the past but since we broke up and I gave him another chance, he has tried hard with his anger and hasn't been violent again.

    I just don't know what to do anymore, I thought he had stopped contacting people online and had hope for the relationship and future until a few weeks ago I found evidence he has been contacting escorts and speaking to them through messaging, I don't know if he has Physically met anyone, I doubt he would because he has social anxiety. But since finding pictures on his phone and numbers/messages I have become withdrawn in the relationship and uninterested in getting him to listen or argue about it, i think I'm finally numb to it.

    The problem is, we have a child together and i have a child from a previous relationship, he helps me out alot financially! To the point I don't think I can leave him because I doubt he'll help with maintenance for his child out of spite, he didn't willingly pay when we split in feb and if he did it wasnt easy to get, I don't know if he has been manipulating me over money and he knows I can't leave.

    I'm not happy in the relationship anymore, it's to the point where I don't feel I can voice how I feel to him because it's a waste of time and he knows it, he has said i should just leave him if I'm unhappy but then when I have left, he begs/cries for me back, threatens to end his life and promises me the world.

    I don't want to go through the emotional manipulation if I leave him, it's never ending and I end up giving in and feeling bad for him!.

    Basically I just want to know what other would do?.



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