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Posts posted by Fulh4m

  1. I fell in love with a married friend. It's not about wanting to have sex with her. I love her as a person. We never really flirted, but she probably knows I like her (women seem to have a sixth sense for that).

    She's not happy with her husband, but I'm against affairs and I'd never want her to cheat on him or leave him for me. I'm not the kind of guy who likes to ruin marriages.

    The fact that my feelings are unrequited is making me depressed and lately I haven't been able to sleep much because of that. I thought a lot about what to do, and realized the best thing would be to let her go.

    My question is: instead of simply disappearing with no explanation, would it be appropriate to be honest and explain that I can't be her friend anymore because I developed feelings for her and I feel like this is wrong for both of us?

    I know it's probably an *** move, but so is cutting a friend off without telling why.

    So, what should I do?

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