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Posts posted by ReadyForThe1

  1. I (28 F) met him (35 M) on an app last month. We’ve had 4 dates and really hit it off (so I thought). He’s texted me every day since we met in person, making wifey jokes / talking about how content he feels around me, etc. 3 weeks ago he said how things at work blew up and he was so stressed. On 1st date he told me he lied about his skills to get the job he has now. He also just started taking classes (to learn said skill he lied about) and has projects for a related club.

    He made 0 effort to see me in 3 weeks since last date. I tried twice to see him since—1st time was spontaneous and he apparently didn’t look at his phone for 5 hours so didn’t see my message in time. And most recently being last Saturday. He didn’t answer for 24 hours so I followed up “Did you die?” He answered immediately and apologized, said he was busy with a project and that he couldn’t, but “definitely next weekend if that works for you”. 

    Thursday night comes along and he still hadn’t asked me out for the weekend. So I messaged him saying I understand you have a lot going on, but I’m looking to see someone more consistently and it doesn’t seem like you’re willing to match that. I’m taking some space since I don’t want to get closer to someone who isn’t meeting me where I’m at. He immediately answered saying “Yep. I get it. I’m sorry too”.  

    Now it’s been 3 days no contact. Not sure if he was just stringing me along or what. Pls advise! I really saw this going somewhere. I feel like if he wanted to, he could make time to see me. Or maybe wouldn’t have let me go so easily?

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