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Posts posted by Korburnt

  1. this might be a jumble of rambles I apologize. Also I can’t read a person or room to save my life which is why I’m here.

    This guy I met through a friend around July has talked to me everyday since the day we talked. He calls me daily and all. So what we often do is find games to buy and play. Hell once his friend was over and I played games with his friend which confused me cause It was odd to me. We’ve watched YouTube together, drawn together, listened to Spotify together. Like this is new to me personally and I’m just confused. Around the 5th week of talking he mentioned if I’m ever in the state he’s in To visit (he only likes 4ish hours away). And he has mentioned it again a few other times.(Ik the dangers of this btw) 

    So recently I told him “people close to me think you like me or think we are a thing. Can you like confirm?” over a message and he sent a shrugging emoji. That night when we called he went “you never did get your answer” in a teasing way and didn’t answer still. My friends say he likes me and I’m just nervous and scared to ask him out cause I don’t wanna loose someone I enjoy talking to daily if that makes sense.

    also I have never been rejected and I don’t want this guy to be the first cause he’s like really nice and has a decent head on his shoulders. 

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