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Posts posted by Pezza123

  1. My brother and I are twins, and have been in the same friendship group for the past eight years or so. Our group consists of seven of us. We met our friends in private school. They all have very well off parents who buy them what they want when they want. My brother and I attended the private school for free as we got a scholarship for sport as we both we were very good tennis players. Throughout our friendship my brother and I have always tried to be really good to them with my dad providing them summer jobs when they needed to get experience for their CV. My dad has been really unwell the last couple years suffering a heart attack and then a big stroke a month later which has impacted his mobility. Lately me and my brother have felt that the group is becoming more of a competition than supportive. I recently saved up enough money to buy a brand new car and none of my friends would go in it, instead they asked their parents to buy them a better brand that was more powerful and better spec. We then always go in their cars never mine, even if I offer. Also, my brother and I along with two others are separated from the three who have another Whatsapp group called the numbers game which is all about how many girls they have slept with or messaging. These three also go to the pub or bars without us and still post it on Insta and Snapchat. It’s made us four feel left. I recently have noticed that the other two who have been left out have started acting the same way these other three have been and trying to go to the pub with them but not asking my brother or I if we want to go. It’s almost like they feel they are better than us both and leave us out because we are not as good as them.

    We all play football on a Monday and Saturday with another group of people. There is this one person who we play against who constantly intentionally hurts my brother or me when he goes in for a tackle. Once he ran past me and punched me in the stomach. This has been happening for a year or so. The friends in my group have also complained when this guy has gone in for a tackle and had no intention of getting the ball but to hurt. My brother and I do react by having ago at him about it because it is starting to get annoying and quite frustrating. Yesterday we played and this guy went in for a tackle on my brother but had no intention of getting the ball as he full on kicked my brother’s ankle. My brother turned around to him and had a massive go at him about it which nearly turned into a fight.

    Later that night on our friendship Whatsapp group we got a message from one of our friends saying how embarrassing we were for reacting to what this guy was doing and to either stop playing if we don’t like it or shut up and play and let him keep doing it. My brother then told that one friend that it felt like they had been talking behind our back and he delivered the message. My brother then continued to tell them how we felt about being left out and that there feels like a hierarchy in the group. Tonight whilst I was watching TV they all removed themselves from the Whatsapp group so I texted my closet friend in the group who told me they all dared my friend who gave us the ultimatum to shut up or not play to delete everyone but my brother and I on the group. My closet friend told me he knew what they did were wrong by deleting everyone from the group except my brother and I but he did nothing about it or tried to stop them. They all found it funny.

    TLDR; feels like my friends have turned against me and I need advice how to repair the relationship.

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