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Posts posted by liesandlies

  1. I've been with my wife for 15 years, married 8. We had our son 3.5 years ago, our daughter a year and a half ago.  

    As for us, we have been staying in separate bedrooms since before we were partied because she was unwilling to train the dogs to not sleep on the bed.  We have not had sex since shortly after our son was born, and that was once.  She hasn't touched me at all in 2 years and I'm simply not allowed to touch her.  She has zero interest.  

    She hides things and lies to me, often.  I wanted to instill healthy eating habits in the kids, she takes them out for pizza, cookies, ice cream... behind my back.   She herself sneaks food 3 or 4 times a week.  She pays with a credit card I don't have access too (that we've been working to pay off after she wakes up $20k in debt on it).  This alone feels like she's cheating on me as we agreed we had to get healthy when our son was born.  I changed my eating habits and lost 80 lbs, she didn't do anything and just sneaks her meals.  I worked very hard to lose weight and she tried to sabotage my diet over and over, cooking fatty, unhealthy meals.  Again, she agreed we had to get healthy but did nothing to try.  

    She erases all texts on her phone.  I don't actively look but I know she does it which bothers me cause it just feels like she's hiding stuff. 

    When our son was born, I had to take on the responsibility of his care, putting my business that I own on hold.  I again had to do it with our daughter.  Went from a profitable business to barely working (weekends only).  This alone has put stress on my own mental health. Essentially, I've changed everything for this family.  I gave up food, sex, my business and moneyz and even my freedom as I'm constantly with the kids.  She has given up nothing. No sacrifices, goes to work as always, sneaks food and God knows what else.  

    I know this is a long vent, but I'm just sick of the lies and deception when I've given up so much for this family.  I'm lost on what to do moving forward.  

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