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Posts posted by Jaynova23

  1. It was never real.

    I lived in a Fantasy world. And that's all over now.

    What the hell was I thinking?

    You never loved me. You never cared for me. You just wanted attention.

    Then you broke me. 

    I was too obsessed with you and that's my fault. I got carried away. I latched on to any and every bit of attention you gave me, which wasn't much at all.

    I deserve better. 

    I would have given the world to you. 

    Why the F did you tell me you had thoughts of committing suicide just last week? I felt special that you could trust me with that. I was ready to do anything for you, to make your life better. 

    Then, you ghosted me. My emotions have been on a rollercoaster these last 4 months. 

    Every time I try to walk away from you, you reel me back in, even with the tiniest bait.

    I deserve better. 

    It's my own fault for accepting your crumbs. In your own posts, you say you LOVE without fault and you give your all to that someone special.

    I was NEVER that someone. 

    I hate this, but I need this. 

    Yesterday broke me. You cry for help to me last week, and one week later, you ghost me. When I mentally check out, knowing I should never talk to you again, you text me, and call me 2 times. You answer and hang up??? What the hell is wrong with you? Who does that? I try calling you back and nothing. 

    You don't give a S about me! You don't respect me. 

    I hate myself for letting it get to this point. I let you walk all over me. 

    What crushed my soul was the photo of you and that dude on FB. ***!!! 

    You knew that would hurt me. Is that why you did it? 

    You go from I want to die one week, to here is the new F face I'm with. 

    Screw you. I don't need any of this. 

    I fell in love With your beautiful looks and your empty promises. 

    I cannot stand reality. 

    The reality is I am alone. 

    And you don't give a S. 

    I hate this so much, but this is what I needed to move on.

    I literally can't love someone who doesn't love me. It took too much out of me.

    I let you know yesterday I don't ever want to speak to you again. 

    You don't even care to read the message. Once you do, I'm blocking you. 

    I can't see any more of your posts. I'm such a visual person, every time I see a new photo of you, I fall for you over and over again. Gosh damn you're hot! 

    This sucks.

    I'm done.

    Time to get ripped. The pain of the gym and my sore muscles pale to the pain in my heart and mind. 

    I can't let you live in my head rent free anymore. 

    I hate it, but I secretly do wish you realize how you F'd up. That you'll come running to me one day. 

    My fantasy is that you'll love me as much as I love or loved you. 

    But..........that's in the MetaVerse. That world never really existed. 

    I have to get my head out my A right now. 

    To my future. I'm gonna have a new Corvette in 6 months and a killer bod. I'm gonna be the Ahole now.

    My black heart knows no different.

    I hope everyone on here finds some peace. 

    You deserve it! 🤙

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