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Posts posted by Lespaulman2001

  1. We just reached a year point in our relationship, and my girlfriend revealed that for the past few months she's not been happy and then she isn't sure if she loves me in a way more than a friend. We were best friends online for 4 years before we got together, and when I asked her out a year and a half ago she said no because she had been diagnosed with a mental health problem and was on heavy anti-psychotics and anti-depressants which basically flatlined her emotions so she didn't know how she felt. I stopped talking to her after that so that I could try and get over my feelings for her as I had them through the whole friendship. She came back into my life a few months later saying that she missed me and wanted to try and be friends again, and I was willing to give it a go. She then wanted to come see me and we ended up sharing extremely romantic moments on the beech cooking hot dogs over a fire with some of my friends and decided to start dating.

    Since then I've been extremely happy and it's felt like she's the one for me and she had seemed to feel the same, at least up to the six month point (the last time we were together in person) and I've been desperate to see her for the last 6 months but she's been super busy with education and family matters. Then yesterday she revealed she isn't sure and that she wasn't sure in the first place but she thought shed give it a go for me as she didn't want to lose me and I'd been there for her when her life fell apart before we dated. We're both scared that she only loves me as a friend, as she doesn't know if the romance is there.

    We've agreed that in a couple weeks she will come stay with me for a few days and we can see how it goes to determine how she feels, as she came off all of her medication since the last time we were together, which either way we will need to see eachother either to fix things or get closure.

    I just want to get some advice and see if maybe anyone else has experienced something similar, as I feel like she's my soul mate as I've loved her for 5-6 years and I honestly have never loved anyone else, not even my family or friends and I don't know what to do without her. I'm hoping that it's just the distance causing all this and we can figure out a way to make it work but my brain is preparing me for the worst case and it feels horrible as it's so out of the blue. We've had problems in the past such as making more time for eachother and being more open with eachother, which we have settled very effectively as we're really good at talking things through and working together.

    But yeah, any input would be extremely welcome as she's the biggest part of my life and I can't imagine having to talk to anyone I know about this, thankyou.

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