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Jessica L

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Posts posted by Jessica L

  1. Ok so I have had an honest conversation with him. He said pretty much exactly what Coily and Lost said, and that he likes having me in charge and following orders. He also said that he finds it relaxing to be this way at home, and a nice break from work where he says he spends his days "telling people what to do" and "picking fights with journos".

    This was the sort of honesty I was after, and now I know the cause of the behaviour.

    Problem solved

    Thanks everyone.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Batya33 said:

    OP also be specific -do you want "take charge" or you simply want him to express an opinion if he has one or a preference rather than follow along passively with all your suggestions? Do you want him to plan more and take the lead in planning? Like -who plans travel/vacations if you do that sort of thing? And yes if you want him to take charge that's separate from expressing a preference.

    Also good time to discuss sort of division of labor.  I'm better at dealing with customer service type issues especially at hotels while my husband is much better at figuring out itineraries/modes of travel, etc.  

    I simply want him to express an opinion if he has one or a preference rather than follow along passively with all my suggestions. 

  3. Look, I don't mind it. I'm just worried he is not being honest. And like Batya33 said, I don't want him to "snap" one day.

    "People aren't all one way and his yes dear stuff is over the top to her - and smells bad like he's doing it out of fear rather than because it makes him happy.": couldn't agree more.

    And I just find that after FOUR YEARS, he has never said "no" or disagreed with me, a little concerning. Unfortunately, I didn't assume much of this pattern however now I am getting concerned.

    Thanks everyone for the comments. I think the biggest verdict out of all these comments is to just step back a little, and see hopefully if he might take a little bit of the lead. Unless anyone has any other suggestions.

  4. Well, I have been dating this boy for four years. I am 28 years old, and he is the same age as me. 

    When I say that he said/did something that bothered me in the slightest, he gets emotional and tells me how profoundly sorry he and how he did not mean to treat me that way. He never challenges anything I say. He is always wrong, I am always right. I have tried talking to him about it, he reminds me how priviledged he feels and how he doesnt want to do anything to mess it up. 

    Over four years, he has never once argued with me, and has does whatever I say. First, I thought he was just being sweet, but it is now getting a bit worrying. He does everything I demand, no questions asked. A week ago, just to see, I asked him for $100, and he just gave it to me and didn't even ask why, he just said "enjoy yourself". This worries me. He does the cleaning, cooking, shopping, and all of the chores to the extent that I feel bad, even though he says its his choice.

    He complements me on a daily basis, and every day when he comes home from work he brings some sort of gift. I am just a little concerned as I do not think this is normal. 

    When I met him, I knew he was more on the submissive side, but not to this extent. I also confuses me that he seemingly has split personalities at home and at work. At home, he is totally submissive to me, does whatever I say no questions asked. At work though, he is one of the most renowned and highest paid political advisors in the country and his colleagues have commented how demanding and how "what he wants, he gets!"

    I just feel like my relationship is going the wrong direction, and want him to possibly be a bit more honest, and I want him to be a bit more DOMINANT!!

    Thanks for reading all of this.


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