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Posts posted by thisismy

  1. On 7/26/2006 at 5:59 PM, pacopaco said:

    I was cheated on. well, it's easy to bash and get all hurtful, but i never even bashed my ex, so why should i bash you?

    As painful as it all is, all i can say is "these things happen." They do. I never cheated on her, or anyone, but i think sometimes people become so fearful and begin to rezch out for whatever, anything, even if it is a fleeting thing. what they fail to realise is that they had the support, and the fear could be helped if they turned to someoe who loves them.

    in your case, seeing that this is a Long Distance thing, maybe you both should have broken up when you left. I can imagine its a hard thing to work at, these Long Distance relationships.

    Yeah. You're right. In my case I was the cheater. It was only a month long relationship and I still feel horrible for what I did two month later. I think if you're really deep down in the rabbit hole of your own problems, maybe things you're keeping up with since years, it can be (or it even was in my case) an act of strength and courage to be vulnerable infront of your partner. In fear that they wouldn't understand or something. So you just escape in the last direction that may help you to make you feel worthy, seen, loved idk... I think I was just running away. Not being able to confront my own shadow. The pain and the fake world I put up. Because that's what a partner does, he lights up the parts of you that were hid. He sees you. You can't hide infront of love. And then I got fearful. And tried to escape into a sort of amusement park where everything is possible, problems are far away, and with that also my boyfriend. Not caring what anyone will say. Not caring what he will say. Just running away. Now the pain is tenfold. Well that didn't work. The only thing you can't run from is your own feet.



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