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Alex Kelly

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Posts posted by Alex Kelly

  1. Ill start off by saying that my boyfriend and i are temporarily in a long distance relationship, and that this will continue for about another 3 months.

    This morning I upset my boyfriend, and he has been really mad at me all day, as he says this is a pattern and he is being upset with my regularly.

    This morning I overreacted to him forgetting to tell me that his old fwb sent him nudes, and basically I got upset and snapped at him for all of the times he has forgotten to tell me information. It's not to say he never tells me, he just never remembers in the moment and mentions it a few hours to days later. Other times include not telling me for over an hour that his best friend made a move on him, or not mentioning until the next day that he had planned to meet a guy who had a crush on him.

    The thing is, I get annoyed that he doesn't tell me straight away, but in the end he always tells me. I feel like I overreacted (because I 100% trust that he won't cheat or anything, I just don't like the lack of communication), and as a result I upset him. He is upset because he says that I get upset too easily and ruin his day basically everyday.

    So please, if anyone has any advice on how to let the little things go, or any coping mechanisms that I can use to learn to avoid overreacting or becoming too emotional. please let me know. Thank you all

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