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Posts posted by MalibuBarbie

  1. Dont beat urself up over this. I was in the same position around a year ago. I constantly blamed myself for not liking such a beautiful person with such a good heart..i tried analysing myself to see if there was something wrong with me as to why i couldnt feel for this person...but there wasnt anything.


    He just was not what i needed. as simple as that. Emotionally i was not satisfied with him, it was not stimulating enough, so i left. Dont do what i did and end up going out with them and then break there heart..only because you think its you that has the problem for not liking them. you DONT. Dont blame urself for not feeling chemistry with a person just coz they are "nice". If anything, be happy that your fussy and choosey with who you want to spend the rest of ur life with. Goodluck

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