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Posts posted by missymoo

  1. I’m 22, my husband is 15 years older than me.

    I suffer with low self esteem and anxiety, I always have and felt comforted marrying my husband because he was so kind, patience and understanding with my struggles. We have a 6 month old son I have definitely struggled as a new mom but I’ve been to a great post partum therapy place for several months now- I look after my son virtually 24/7- my husband works 12 hour days in business management/consulting.

    I’m a stay at home mom, I have no friends as I moved to be with him, I also have a bad relationship with my own family and have barely spoken to them in the last 5 years since leaving home.

    Since our son was born, my husband has decided to set “boundaries” so if I’m anxious, upset or feeling negative about myself he does not want to be around me, he said it’s because he needs to de stress after work. I find it hard to even talk to him as a friend, it seems like when he’s home he always wants to be in front of his computer or on his phone to avoid me.

    The other night for instance I was telling him I felt bad for forgetting to pick up something he asked for from the store and he’s like “ok go in the other room I don’t want to be around you when you talk like that about yourself.”

    He does try to help with our son, but he will constantly yell for help so I don’t really get breaks. It’s constantly like, “where are the diapers?”, “how much milk does he need?”

    So I don’t really ask for help anymore as it’s just easier to do things myself.

    I’m not even sure what to do anymore, it feels like my husband wants someone a lot better or just different than me now. I can’t talk to him about things without him getting upset, even if he’s in the wrong I feel like he twists things back onto me always and I’m always apologising. 


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