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Posts posted by UHydr

  1. I never really have input tbh which is not even my place realistically. I was mainly just wanting advice on this situation in general. It has never bothered me before tbh, it’s just this time where things were just uneven. I’m mentally good with it all and will still listen but I’m going to take y’all advice and limit my input as normally she asks me what I think. 

    2 hours ago, Batya33 said:

    I’d support by letting her take the lead with her kids and how she chooses to interact with their dad and her kids grandmother and Aunt. I’d avoid giving too much input even if asked - more supportive to show her boundaries so she realizes you are too biased and she should seek input from others - maybe even a counselor. 

  2. My partner(35F) and I(27M)have been dating for almost a year now and things are going great. We’ve had a few bumps but that’s all normal but we are generally good and stable. She is a mum and I’m a man with no children. That part is all good as we have both discussed this and known this before we even got together and the child’s father is not an active parent but still is around but doesn’t directly intervene in our relationship. One day as we were doing our regular meet ups she came quiet annoyed as her and her child’s father had an argument. We spoke about and kept it moving. The next day she was going out with her child’s father’s, mum and sister as she still actively speaks to them and has a good relationship with them. Even though they didn’t directly speak he still ended up annoying her again by using their child to indirectly get at her which made her annoyed again and we had to speak about it again. As we’ve spoken about having a life together and kids and so forth I brought up the idea about limiting interactions with her partner’s family and mainly keep it about their child so we can move on and our future won’t be stuck around potential drama that I don’t need. She doesn’t want to limit interaction with the mum and sister as she says they are her friends. What should I do? am I overthinking this and should forget about it, or should we have a serious talk about how we move forward for our future as I personally have no problems with them still interacting for their child but for her I was thinking best we just keep things to the kids. 

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