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Posts posted by MannyO

  1. Hello Everyone,

    I am going through an overthinking stage right now.

    Background story,  I met this girl online December last year, we dated for 6 months and i broke it off with her , i found out i wasnt really attracted to her. She is  kind, sweet and every other good thing but i had no attraction for her due to her being a little bit obese and i know she has a tendency to be more obese with time, it worries me alot.

    I knew it was something that worries me, so we did a few workout sessions but i was the one initiating it and all that, she claims to eat healthy food and all that but i don’t think its working well, because she is an heavy eater, she eats big, i summoned the courage and broke it off with her.

    After the break up she never gave me any break, she kept pushing for us to get back, wanting to hang out and just hoping i change my mind.

    After some soul searching, i knew she is a good and kind person. So i made it up with her we started dating just a month ago, i told what caused the first break up and how being healthy and being in a good shape is very important to me, i told her getting out of shape due to child birth is okay for me as i totally understand but not before child birth. 

    She promise to start working out and doing more and i should give her time.

    Though the situation is different because i love spending time with her but i fear for the future as she also has an history of diabetes in her family, all this issues gives me alot of worry.  i am concerned about my future kids and all that.

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