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Posts posted by candy1979

  1. 7 minutes ago, MissCanuck said:

    The below was your red flag why you should have been skeptical of him prior to this:

    Classic projection. He is cheating and knows what he does on his phone when you are not looking, so he thinks you are capable of the same. Be wary of anyone who is this controlling and instrusive. It's often because they're doing exactly what they are accusing you of. 

    He also thinks you are daft enough to buy his ridiculous cover story that a "client" is using his phone to hire prostitutes. 

    Please tell us you are not actually considering staying with him. 

    I have no ***ing idea.

  2. i guess he doesnt trust me either because he checked my phone through the very begging and he found very old messages of my ex before i started dating him and assumed i was still in contact with my ex but i wasnt. he goes through my phone more than i go through his but every time he goes through it, he doesnt find anything because i dont hide anything. and i let him go through it because if i dont then hell think i am hiding something and hats not the case

  3. I am not sure what to do. he said that " his client ran out of minutes on his phone" so that why he used his but who in the world has phone minutes now? doesnt even make sense. I dont believe the story at all. all he keeps saying is that it wasnt him and hed never cheat and "this client was coming everyday" and now hes nowhere to be found. he also wanted to show me surveillance from his salon showing me that his client was using his phone but "the cameras werent working"

  4. So i just got married a month ago and  have been dating my husbands for a year. 2 days ago, with the new apple update you are able to see the recently deleted messages and i decided to be snoopy and look through it. there were a couple threads that alerted me so i recovered the messages and ready them. the messages stated from him "are you available right now" and she replied with a whole menu of what they offer which was sex and hand jobs and blowjobs except anything anal. he then stated "can i get a bj for $120, i finish very fast at 6:58am . He was out of the house by then and his wasn't the only message. there were other numbers on going messages that were lengthy conversations of making appointments and she kept calling him baby. then there as another message where he asked if she was available again and she said she will be in 15 min but then he got busy at work and texted her back a couple hours later indicating that he was busy but now he stepped out for lunch. she never responded. after i saw this, i confronted him and he immediately said it wasn't him. he said one of his clients uses his phone all the time and he wrote this. he then deleted all the messages and all of the screenshots i took from my phone and he made sure not a single piece of evidence was out in the open. he keeps telling me it wasnt him however this "other guy who did this" doesn't seem to exist. he has no evidence stating his point and im not sure if he actually did something but there are messages showing me he was definitely initiating it. we get intimate all the time and he has a high sex drive but i feel like it might not be enough and when things are bad at home, this might be his escape. i am not sure but as for our sexual relationship, nothing has changed so it doesnt make sense as to why he would do this. What do you guys think?  

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