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Posts posted by ALotOfQuestions

  1. 21 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

     How old is she? How long ago did she go through this phase?

    This is not "hypersexual" , this is hookups and ghosting that happens all the time.

    It's unclear why she confided this, but it seems she's a bit insecure and was hoping you wouldn't be like this.

    She's 32 and it was, I think around 6 years ago.

    Well, her intention wasn't hookups, she wanted a relationship but the guys did not. So she kept seeking it out

  2. Thanks all. She's certainly not like it now from what I can tell. It's been 2 years since we got together and I've had no reason at all to think anything has happened. 

    These guys she slept with weren't people she cheated with, these were ones she dated, slept with and then after they slept with her they tended to ghost her or just call it off. She said that because she felt lied to etc during her long term relationship that she would sometimes think sleeping with a man would give him what he wants and then make him want her more.

    I did a little research and apparently any type of trauma can lead to heightened sexual activity among people that may have a, shall we say, low strength mental health. In her case the trauma being the long term relationship.

  3. Hello everyone,

    Tis has kinda come out of left field so was hoping someone could give me a little advice.

    I've been with my partner for about 2 years now, everything is going great. A short while ago we were talking about past relationships. How they ended etc.

    She mentioned she went through what she called hypersexual activity. Where she slept with people really fast, maybe after 2 dates. The guy then, 9 times out of 10 just walked away soon after that. 

    She mentioned that she had had a bad time with a previous bf and as a result was trying to get, validation from other guys. Is that a common thing? It's just kinda got me thinking. 

    With us having been together for 2 years I don't think I have anything to worry about but I was just wondering if anyone had any insight into that type of behaviour 

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