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Posts posted by Mariam0203

  1. 1 hour ago, Batya33 said:

    How old are you? Guys are humans.  Humans are individuals so thinking they all think the same/want the same doesn't make much sense.  This person is a stranger for all romantic purposes and for all safety purposes.  He might be a she.  He might be several people messaging you.  He might be 15, 55, 25, or 75.  The person might be married, committed, single, a parent to a young child -you have no idea.  It's safer to hide behind a screen and share personal information (and remember it might be partly true, all true, all false or true but not his truth -he might be impersonating someone else). 

    Has he shown interest in meeting in person? Have you? Does he live locally? Has he asked you for money or offered to send you gifts? If he hasn't shown interest in meeting you in person then treat this as an online buddy you chat with but I would not chat constantly since you think if you met in person you might be attracted to this person.  I would not read into signs -keep reminding yourself this person is a stranger.  

    If you two do plan to meet in person and it's appropriate -meaning you know who he is -how old he is - that he is single - and you've verified all of this externally -then meet in a public place for an hour if he lives locally and tell someone you trust where you will be.  Then you will see if in person you two click or have any potential to see each other again.  

    Please do not choose to get attached to a stranger you type and talk to if there is no plan within the next week to meet in person ASAP. (Assuming he is safe to meet in person).

    We are both adults and chatted over phone call as well. He has mentioned meeting in person, but not for romantic reasons. Just to, "hang out". He doesn't live in the same state as me however and meeting up would prove difficult. But thankyou for the reminder, I appreciate it. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Kwothe28 said:

    Until a few years I didnt even know that was a thing but it actually is lol

    Anyway, he doesnt seem to reciprocitate anything at al. Doesnt flirt, doesnt wish you good morning first etc. So I think he just enjoys having a fan. 

    You are pulled into an online fantasy. You both probably enjoy having someone there but there is no reality where you could be together. If he is not local, I suggest you just forget about everything and find somebody who would be there for you for real and not just typing meaningless words into computer.

    Hi Kwothe28, I think you're absolutely right on the fact that he most likely sees me as a fan. It's a good way to put it, and he probably enjoys all the attention I give him. Yes he is nice, but I don't really get the same treatment back. I was being naïve over it. 

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  3. Hi. To begin with, I've never been close to a guy in my life, so understanding one is a bit difficult for me. I met this guy through an online game, and we added each other on social media and chat frequently, but it's not flirty or romantic. Just friendly banter. However, we talk a lot. Almost all night at times. We got to the point where he leans on me for emotional support and shares parts of his life that require a lot of trust. I like him a lot, but I'm not sure if he feels the same way or if he only thinks of me as his best friend. However, he recently began teasing me and referring to me as a "dork." He checks in on me throughout the day if I'm not active most of the time and responds to my messages in seconds. The thing that confuses me is that I assume he is only doing it out of kindness because I do the same for him. Or, at the very least, I started this whole thing by texting him throughout the day to check in on him and writing him good morning messages first every day. Do guys go out of their way for such things for a girl best friend? I don't want him to know I like him either, because even if that's not the case, I still want to maintain our friendship, and I'm afraid that if he knows I like him (if I haven't made it clear enough), it will make things awkward between us. Do guys appreciate good morning messages? Is it annoying for guys if he doesn't like me? He doesn't seem to mind them and wishes me back all the time, but he never really writes them first.. Thanks everyone.

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