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Posts posted by darrkravven

  1. I matched with this guy on Tinder about 10 days ago and it was an instant connection. We had so much in common and would text long messages talking about anything and everything for about a week. He would send me a good morning message every day like clockwork too. Things also got pretty sexual over text messages and there was a lot of chemistry.

    We met up in person on Friday night and we were both a little shy. But the date went really well. He was extremely nice to me. He even brought me a chocolate bar when we met up as a gift. We started off at a coffee shop and then at a bar. We again had great conversation and flirted with each other. At the end of the date he asked if I wanted to go back to his place. I said no because I usually don’t do that on the first date and it was too late. He brought up meeting again and we both went over our schedules. He said we can plan it out on Monday (today). He even said to me to let him know when I got home. 

    I texted him and thanked him for the date. He responded but I haven’t heard anything since. Last night I texted him to text me tomorrow if he was still interested in going out again. Complete silence. He still follows me on social media though. 

    Should I text him again or just unfriend him? It's very confusing!

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