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  1. I really love my job, which makes it difficult! For me at the beach, it’s just overall the presentation of me and how I’m dressed, which isn’t an image I want, but am tired of covering up. (I’m low key very much a nudist so that doesn’t help 😅) I just need to figure out how I want to go about this possible transformation of appearance since I care so much about how I’m viewed.
  2. I get what you're saying, it's difficult for me but appreciate it. I just tired of not being myself and wearing what I want, especially in the summer because of this, so I do need to work on that who cares attitude.
  3. I wouldn't say it's 'high profile' but I'm frequently in media and deal with businesses in our town. I attend a lot of events and there are photographers and many people attending. I actually don't have much social media, I have a very very very private instagram that I have just a select few of my closest friends on. I don't go out and party anymore. My bathing suits are, slightly revealing, mostly because that's what I'm comfortable in, but afraid of what others will think, say, talk about it, etc.
  4. I'm 25F, I've been fortunate enough to land an amazing career in the community I'm from and live in. I work actually for my town, and am in the "spotlight" all the time. Because of this, I feel like I can't be myself when outside of work because of perceived judgment from those that see me. I had an issue about two years ago at a bar and it took a long time for that drama to be put to rest. I don't feel comfortable going to the local lake because I don't want to get judgment and looks from my swimsuit, I'm afraid to dress how I want because it wouldn't be considered 'professional.' I'm really tired of having to travel out of town to 'be myself' but I honestly have no idea what to do anymore.
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